When the Covid lockdown happened in March 2020, most of us simply had to stop doing everything. At the time I was relying quite heavily on corporate shows, to the tune of 20 to 30 a year, and these completely dried up! But one area that was still feasible was online recording…
As you probably know already, I’ve been recording drum tracks for clients all over the world for over 25 years. A couple of months into lockdown, I was contacted by a producer friend of mine, John Spence… He approached me with a Prog rock project he was in the process of recording. The band was called Castanarc. I knew a little bit about them, as they had enjoyed a certain amount of popularity. In the late 1970s and early 1980s. As often happens with bands, they had had a number of personnel changes over the years, but the basic core was still the same as their inception in 1979. John Spence set about emailing me “stems“ of the songs, and I recorded them one by one in my tracking room, then I sent back audio files for mixing.
Apart from being a lot of fun, this project was very satisfying on a number of levels. And I am honored to have been involved in its creation. At the very least, it kept us creative during a very trying time in the world.