1973 – 1979
1980 – 1987
1988 – 1994
1995 – 1999
2000 – 2002
2003 – present
Tour Diary
Tour Diary
The annual Sammys Awards show
In Orlando for the annual gala at the Hard Rock: 10 artists, 36 songs. 8 hours rehearsal followed by a 3 hour gig. Then onto a cruise ship for 36 hours. Two gigs in 18 hours
Rehearsal at SIR, Nashville
In rehearsals for Hinkley’s Heroes. Gig Friday evening. using the smaller kit today. Natal maple, with my 20" x 18" kick, 12" & 14" toms, and the wood hoop Premier Signia 75th Anniversary snare.
Greatest Hits on Earth – Live: Orlando Hard Rock Oct 21st
9 artists, 8 hours of rehearsal, 3 hour show! Somehow, this came off with barely a hitch. Â The show was supposed to last two-and-a-half hours, but you could see the potential to run over from